

Transparency is broadly applied in our company culture for employee morale and productivity. As we believe that having clear, open and transparent culture is mainly applied with the aim of getting employees be trusted and valued in the organization, marching towards a common goal.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption:

To support transparency culture within organization, M&AOSB maintains an Anti-Bribery and Corruption Program to detect, prevent and take actions for breaching of Anti-Bribery Corruption law set up by the company.

M&AOSB’s policy is to be a responsible and accountable investor in the long-term development of Myanmar by conducting business ethically and with integrity and transparency.

We are committed to conducting business in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and to the highest ethical standards.

Human Rights:

We commit ourselves to promote the sense of human rights by getting all stakeholders involved in the operations of our business. We regard ourselves to be respectful of the communities, security, labor rights and supply chain conditions.
