M&AOSB Successfully Launched the M&AOSB Training Series for Fiscal Year 2019 – 2020

By admin on Aug 21 in Uncategorized.

M&AOSB Successfully Launched the M&AOSB Training Series for Fiscal Year 2019 – 2020

Kyisin H. Aung

“Doing well by doing good.”

This fiscal year, M&AOSB will continue to work closely together with the community stakeholders to promote sustainable economic growth, community livelihoods, and higher levels of productivity through the creation of jobs and enhancement of entrepreneurship that can provide people with better economic opportunities.

The FY 2019-2020 M&AOSB Training Series will focus on driving inclusive economic growth by investing in, first and foremost, trainings to strengthen skills necessary during the impending construction of the proposed offshore supply base, developing suppliers to fulfill the base’s requirements for food and non-food supplies in the short and longer term, and protecting community health and safety throughout the life of the project. The trainings will include:

1. Welding, Mason, Carpenter, and Rebar Fixing Training
2. Heavy Machinery Operator Training
3. Basic English and Computer Training
4. Livestock Rearing Training
5. Vocational Training for Home-made Food Products
6. Vocation Training for Value-added Consumer Goods
7. Hospitality Training
8. Health Education Training (Public Awareness)
9. SSHE Training
10.Water Treatment Techniques Training

On 3 May 2019, M&AOSB launched its training series in Ngaputaw Township where government representatives and town administrators from across the township attended. Subsequently, the trainings were introduced to stakeholders in Nga Yoke Kaung Town, Nanttharpu and Kyway Chaing Village Tracts. Approximately 270 government, civil society, and community stakeholders attended the launching events.

M&AOSB deploys a multi-prolonged approach to demonstrate the company’s commitment to undertake a strategic and impactful community investments which create shared value for the business and the society.

Led by community-based volunteers, locally available skilled labors for the construction phase has been mapped. Developing this kind of skill mapping helps us understand the baseline level of skills within the host communities and to provide trainings to improve the competency of the local labor force. M&AOSB will partner with regional government departments, polytechnic centers, universities, private training schools within Ayeyarwady and Yangon Regions.
